- Quizlet – for learning vocabulary items, lexical chunks, collocations and so much more.You can create a class, and sets of items (no more than 20 items is optimal), you can use synonyms, definitions or translate the terms ( supports most languages including Arabic), add images and even use it for comprehension tasks. It is easy to share with your students, and you can encourage them to make and share their sets. No need for students to sign up. See Sandy Millin‘s detailed guide here .
- WhatsApp for creating class groups to share images, texts and recordings – this is the most important App of them all as all the URL addresses can be shared with your students via your class group.
- Answergarden for brainstorming, checking students prior knowledge and getting short (20 characters) answers. No need for students to sign up.
- Mentimeter for brainstorming, mind mapping, allows for longer answers. I like the visual features. No need for students to sign up.
- Linoit – Collaborative board for sharing ideas, images and videos via sticky notes. Easy for students to use. IPhone users now need to download the app in advance to see the canvas (collaborative board), which is a recent and less convenient change. No need for Android students to sign up.
- Photofunia for creating fun posters, billboards and other images on Smarphones, using photos from the Smartphone gallery.
- Muzy for creating photo collages or storyboards.
- Canva for creating Infographics.
- Keep-Calm-O-Matic for creating Keep Calm posters.
- Google Translate for instant translations and the Miriam Webster dictionary app for dictionary work.
All of the apps in this post are free and have websites where you may feel more comfortable creating your language task than on your mobile device. You can then copy the URL address and make it tiny with goo.gl which generates a QR code, your students can then scan the code with a QR Code Reader app, which takes them straight to the task you have created for them.
When using Smartphones in the class always ensure that the use of the app meets the learning aims of the class, and that you have tried it yourself on a mobile device, and preferably get somebody else to try it too.
For those of you who attended my presentation Mobile learning – empowering teachers and engaging students here is the promised powerpoint presentation.
Hi Jane
I liked your e-learning suggestions, especially mentimeter.
I volunteer at the Yachad Elementary School in Holon.
The kids and I put their English homework assignments on Quizlet. Then on my web site I added a simple menu with links to their homework assignments.
Now when the kids need help with a homework assignment, they don’t need a private tutor or even a computer; they use their smart phones to get instant, free help.
Has anyone done anything like this?
I’d appreciate it if you try this link and tell me what you think.
Eli Lato